Tuesday, 21 June 2011

NOW online for comments.....

My camera offered me (well actually it gave me no choice) Andy Warhole effect, what is with that?! I didn't know how to say No, just a duck or two will be fine, just normal garden variety ducks are what I seek....they're lovely... stable happy and a little bit cute around the edges, and they know how to have fun....

"AHHHHHHH! Thank you Paul J for drawing my attention to the fact that your comments were impossible to post here (and it's only been three weeks since I started lessons so I did have to "google translate" a couple of words from your email Espanole..:0) and thank you especially to my beautiful little sister (she of the one eyebrow raised at will) that has just spent 63 minutes of her life that she (nor I) will never get back sorting out this issssssue!
So, at the risk of sounding needy, (having been away nearly a month) comment away, share your thoughts, your impressions and your other "stuff".... and please feel free to do it all at once, it will be great!
PS: I wagged school yesterday, went back today and met some fabulous new peeps...all is well, private classes for the last week only 

Thanks (no, really, really thanks) for sharing  xxx

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