Saturday, 4 June 2011

a load of Vollocks....

Apparently V and B are OH you know...interchangeable in Spanish.... 
for a language that has so many verbs to learn (that are all perfect except for the Imperfect ones that you actually pffft just have to memorise....) so many in fact that it actually makes you just nod and smile instead of speaking because you're so afraid of getting it wrong, Yup, that was the little nugget we were given yesterday....Don't worry about it's Espaonole, with a shrug of those spunky Spanish shoulders... Thanks Carlos!

These are Balencia oranges garnished with some Vananas....

Week one done and dusted!
Who would have thunk it, out for lunch with the "gorgeous young Things" (GYT's)
Apple schnapps shots today! Have just cottoned on to the fact that is "the done thing" how interesting that in Spain everyone seems very "jolly" about it, rather than all the awful stuff that seems to happen back home

Berbs Shmerbs! Its a beautiful day!
Home for a quick disco nap and then...Ah-HA! lets do Spanish style!
GYT's and I met at a delightful bar, where I must say my Spanish skills came alive (much to the delight of my clever companions!) as in "Senore this is a very "poco" glass of vino blanco" (good grief I would have needed a ladder to get to it, it was so short) problema solved, sat on the refill that was so graciously given :0) for the rest of the night...
Then off for a wander (I was heading home I promise) free drink "chits" handed out in the Street, so GYT's and I end up in a Noches Club busting a few moves on the dance floor and drinking something with "fat coke" in it...absolutely wonderful, home by 3.30 so not a bad innings!
should have put some lippie on!

Exhausted and exhilarated in equal measures!

Thank you for sharing xxx

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