Sunday, 26 June 2011

The end of the yellow line....

Possible ruins
So, Sunday...I thought a little adventure was in order, after much deliberation I decided that I would visit somewhere completely random, I got out the trusty Metro Map and had a think...It was Sunday and sunny I had a bonus 13 minutes up my sleeve as I didn't have the Sunday Times to I thought I would catch the train to the end of the hmmmm let's see... yellow line... Llira!

Llira allegedly has some Roman ruins, these images may or may not be them, I saw a site that looked "ruinish" but it did have a couple of cement mixers on it so I thought it may not quite as authentic as I first thought...
more possible ruins...
It has the requisite beautiful Cathedral, but being a Sunday it felt kind of wrong to gatecrash a Christening for the sake of a photo, if only I had worn a frock! so take my word for it was lovely... 
The Llira equivalent of a bollard

Llira, is actually not very lovely (but I did have a great coffee there), it is a town filled with peeps who either don't like shirts or if they do they are in very bad taste....however the train trip there and back was wonderful.
It was great to get into the countryside with all the orchards and farming land, and those typically European scrubby vegetation covered hills, the lovely little old ladies on the train comparing their mobile phones, and the little fourish year old kid who sang a song about parts of the body while he pointed to them all, I actually learnt stacks!

again randomly scattered, this time GIANT cannon balls
In Llira, I also saw my very first Spanish fly, interestingly, I thought it would be different...

The Grand Prix is here in Valencia this weekend, the city is awash with people in bright red Porche polo shirts and caps, I can hear the cars on the track from my apartment, shades of Melbourne loud loud loud! and it seems also that the fans are quite similar, I remember the man that I sat next to there had the biggest fattest bottom that almost pushed me off my seat, am thinking this could explain the Jim Belushi look alike from the apartment across the road the other night who thankfully went inside and did up his trousers and put on a shirt when my eyeballs probably almost knocked him off his balcony in horror! I moved to the other side of my terrace before I could see if he opened a bottle of Sparkling Spanish Cava and poured it over his head!

My Spanish is coming along in leaps and bounds, although I believe I MAY have ordered a "car" of (instead of a glass of) vino blanco on Friday, but perhaps that was just wishful thinking, it was a big week....

Thanks for sharing xxxx

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