Thursday, 7 July 2011

Spanglish...TICK...Schools out!

My tres muy Guapo Professoro's de Espanole! Ismael, Carlos and Biel... Mucho's mucho's Gracias y gigante (bet you all didn't know I knew that word) besos, el stupendo hombres! :0)

Six weeks in and I'm afraid my Spanglish is STILL a little more "glish" than "Span" despite the valiant efforts of those gorgeous men above! However,they certainly made it a bit easier to set the alarm each day :0)

I'm actually a bit knackered... being in class every morning (ok, I did wag two) 

A mighty fine year...however possibly why I'm a bit weary...
I realised that yesterday was the first time I had comfortably sat down and read an English book, I have actually felt a bit naughty if I wasn't trawling through a work book, my notes or a Spanish newspaper trying to decipher them (consequently, has anything dramatic happened in the world?) aside from the photos re the wedding of Albert and Charlotte in Monaco I am none the wiser, I found this info at the hairdressers, (now there I come into my Spanish phrasing own!) in Hola Magazine of course.

For my last couple of private lessons I thought it no use at all wanting to slam your own head in a door, my brain is quite simply FULL! lets just have some fun! So I suggested a visit to the Gallery of Art "Modern" and for my final class, Carlos and I went out for lunch! 
IVAM was just WONDERFUL! as was lunch today, thanks Carlos you're a very good man, great company and thanks for your patience!
Not from the gallery of Modern Art Our Class photo (cheers Thijs)
Frankly I now have a bit of a yearning for a place with a big fat pool for a time. That I can sit about read trashy novels and to perfect ordering drinks that are large, exotic and involve bit's of fruit and many cocktail umbrellas...and are possibly blue because that always makes them EXTRA exotic, my synapses have
maxed out!

Having said that, have I had fun?.... HELL YES!!!!!
one happy Wednesday!
Just some of the delicious peeps of our World!
I have met people from all around the world, I have learnt that when if you reach out, the kindness of strangers can be truly amazing, that our younger generations are sensational people (I have never had so many offers of free beds from gorgeous young men throughout Europe and I so don't mean that in a rude way!!!)

Also, I think that "big people" rock too! (cheers beautiful Michelle that I only found last week at Happy Mercioles! you fabulous, interesting, inspirational and fun woman!) that I have just said goodbye to and it's made me a bit teary...
and... that not only do you have to be brave enough to say Hi, you also have to learn to say goodbye... which is not always fun nor easy...
My certificate from the assembly (not really) they were very kind and said I was "Bien" which I sincerely doubt is an official mark in the Language School World (Cheers Babylon Idiomas)
I now know that Ching Goo means friend in Korean, Vriend(en), Vriendin(nen) means friend/s in Dutch that Heysh-hrrrRhecky (said with guttural gusto) means Grasshopper in German, which is V handy if you have a penchant (as I do) for Kung Fu stories involving removing pebbles from hands :0)

Thank you for your friendship, new friends and old xoxox

I have learnt especially that less judging, more smiling, behaving with grace and dignity AND a good slab of self deprecating humour is an International Language...

So...! Hasta Luego to the Spanish B/verbs, (you awful little beasts, you belong right along side of the V/bollards)
That's what I think of Verbo's!

I'm off to Italy for a week a wonderful Wedding! and to catch up with some fabulous friends :0)

Thanks for sharing xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun... Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to you practising your Spanglish in Italy. That will confuse the locals! Ciao PJ