Saturday, 2 July 2011

Musings, observations and more hot tips..

Who could resist! Yes my darling sister she's for YOU!
 Snow Domes are timeless and elegant souvenirs that transcend all others, particularly so when purchased  in the old "El Carmen" district of Valencia from the Chinese shop, this makes them especially authentic...

Shiny colourful handy stuff...

It's not all Bvulgari, Chanel and Louis you know!...there are places to buy handy "stuff" in down town Valencia, however they're not much chop at it... 
...that could be used to fix the leak at the front door of the Handy Stuff shop that needs this bucket to catch the drips...

Going out at 11.47 pm on a Friday night with no fixed address for the party but a fair idea it's at a place on the other side of the/a bridge, maybe one (or two) streets in, near a blue building and it has a balcony and is near an ambulance (oye?!) depot, with your schoolies can result
in the most fabulous experiences! 
11.56 pm on a Friday night a Choir in the Plaza del Virgin, exquisite!
...and to all those reading who have kind of "grown up" aged children, Friday night I was hanging out with your kid's!!!! (and some of their older friends)
I have good news for you all though, they are a wonderful generation and thank you parents for doing such a good job I am grateful and impressed, they are doing you proud, but I'm sorry I can't tell you what really goes on at a "Frat Party" moi's lips is sealed, having said that I left a little earlier than the rest so I probably don't really know either :0) 

However, it was like being on the set of one of those awesome perfume ads, the ones that make you just want to buy it regardless of the fact that it may make you smell like a wet chook, you just want the bottle on your bathroom bench and a "holiday snap" of the "shoot" and "talent" on display in your lounge room...The power of advertising or is that imagination!

So, as not to burst my own bubble I left before the drinking games were too firmly under way and wandered home for a treat....what's a girl to do...nothing like a good profiterole...
Nirvana in the early hours :0)
And the tip de Dias: Beware the small blue plastic bag of unidentified fine "white powder" that one finds in the kitchen may not be what you may well be dish washing powder rather than laundry powder, wild and reckless use of this substance could result in multiple tiny holes in some items in your "capsule" wardrobe...

what's not to love...
The last week of school coming up (six weeks nearly done and dusted) I'm going private for those classes I can only imagine the teachers out the back drawing straws for that little gig...Oh she's the one that just wouldn't deal seriously with her Verbs...Lucky I'm guapa!

Thanks for sharing xxx

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