(absolutely nothing ??) do it again............! First day of school oh my goodness... AND I have home work (which I haven't done yet) so I'd best make this snappy!
Imperfect verbs, do we reach a time in our lives when we're just beyond them? I mean surely life it too short for learning about things that are broken, although maybe that's what makes us and our lives interesting... right, enough of the Donna Hay oops I mean Louise Hay :0)
Today was wonderful, but very "brain strainingly" well straining... My fellow students are so gorgeous, it makes you so aware of what a beautiful World we have when you realise all the clever peeps that live in it, most of my fellow students are onto their third language, although I didn't disappoint with my savvy grasp of Australian, English AND American!
They are so young and lovely, I'm so happy to enjoy their company without having to employ them (the Y gen sheesh..)
This is my school (just in front of the white van) it's a lovely Calle |
Where I am NOT shopping, since I live 1.5 minutes from school :0) |
Today we went around the table introducing ourselves and sharing our ages....hmmmm, my answer was (of course in Spanish) I have "sufficient" years... (and I'm living in a really nice spot 1.5 minutes away) so there are some advantages to being a grown up....
Not my front door |
After class, I threw myself into a chair at my local to review my notes (actually to snarf down a glass of Vino Blanco with "blocks" of hielo )...this is a photo of the Rococo entry to the place "next door" I couldn't even bring myself to stand up to take it! Anyhooo suffice to say it is not "quite" my front door, but you can see why those tourist types are mad for it! I had just ordered my second Vino blanco and I needed to come home to Skype with my beautiful little sister, I painstakingly constructed a sentence along the lines of "I live there, may I bring the glass back later por favour" bless them they said yes, (or maybe they said you are a very unusual woman and we are pleased you like our glasses so much and now you are frightening us take it and go) anyhooo, I gave them a big fat smile, took the vino home and had an awesome chat to my beautiful sister...Skype is amazing,
actually as I've said before technology is amazing, don't know how it works, don't need to know am simply impressed that it does!
Just a little bit of gorgeous on the walk to and from school |
This IS my front door (no it's not crooked) I was rushing when I took the photo.
Sense of dimension...that little dark hole to the left of the door knob is the keyhole, about waist height, it is one V big door! |
and this my Calle (Street) what lucky seƱorita! |
O.K. time to do my homework, can't disappoint the lovely Carlos and Biele tomorrow, however, if I get any grief (especially from the very wonderfully white "toothed" Biele, who said I need to work on my numbers pffft) I will say "darling buy a belt and pull your pants up" I do not wish to see the top of you Calvin Klein jocks!
I LOVE being a grown up!
Hasta Luego and thank you for sharing xxx
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